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MotorsportReg's Journey to a Scalable and Cost-Effective GraphQL API
Transforming the world's largest motorsport event calendar into a more dynamic, scalable, and globally accessible platform.
Remote Development on EC2
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Registration Reminders by Email
Imagine effortlessly discovering the best local motorsport events from the world's largest collection, tailored just for you - this is the story of transforming that dream into reality.
Chain of Custody Tracking System
Mobile and web based system to log and track artifacts as they are gathered in the field for investigative engineering and legal work.
Corporate Intranet
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SaaS Product - Therapy Appointment
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Training Platform
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Point of Sale
When the PGA of America was evaluating ticketing platforms...
Content Management
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Time Tracking
A time tracking system used to bill time to client projects.
Tuition Reimbursement Platform
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